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McHenry Special Collections Library, UCSC, Santa Cruz, CA
Bruce Peele Special Collections University of Alberta, Edmonton, AL, Canada
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA
M.H. de Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco, CA
The Getty Center for History of Art and Humanities, Santa Monica, CA
Norton Family Foundation, Los Angeles, CA
Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA
American Craft Museum, New York, NY
Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia
Deutsches Schuhmuseum, Offenbach am Main, Germany
Northampton Shoe Museum, Northampton, England


2000      McHenry Special Collections Library, UCSC, Santa Cruz, CA
2000      Smith Gallery, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA
1999      Couturier Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
1997      Museum of Art and History, Santa Cruz, CA
1996      Couturier Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
1992      Couturier Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
1985      Contemporary Crafts Gallery Portland, OR
1984      San Francisco Craft and Folk Art Museum, CA
1981      Synopsis Gallery, Winnetka, IL
1980      Mobilia, Cambridge, MA


2000      The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York, project grant
2000      Sanitary Fill Company, San Francisco, CA, Artist-in-Residence
1994      National Endowment for the Arts, Visual Artist’s Fellowship
1994      California Arts Council, Visual Artist’s Fellowship


1993      New York Shines, docu-comedy by Joan Baran & Tracy Atkinson, New York, NY
1991      Artwear, KQED documentary, San Francisco, CA
1985      Gaza Bowen: Shoemaker, Wearable Art Series, Univ. of California, Davis
1982      Quilting II Television Series, WBGU, Bowling Green, KY


2000      Oregon College of Arts and Crafts, Portland, OR
2000      Penland School of Crafts, Penland, NC
2000      California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, CA
1998      California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, CA
1998      University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
1996      School of the Art Institute, Chicago, IL
1995      California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, CA
1994      School of the Art Institute, Chicago, IL
1990      San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA
1990      John F. Kennedy University, Orinda, CA
1989      San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA


2001      San Jose ICA, CA "This is not a book"*
2001      Sesnon Gallery, UCSC, CA "Dis-Placements and Anxious Objects"*
2000      Los Angeles County Museum, CA "Made in California"*
2000      University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI "The 7th International Shoebox Sculpture
1999      The Jewish Museum of San Francisco, "Making Change"*
1999      San Francisco Public Library, CA "Pacific Center for the Book Arts"
1998      National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, D.C. "Book as Art"*
1998      Vancouver Art Museum, British Columbia, Canada "Hello Again"
1997      Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia "Stepping Out"*
1997      San Francisco State University Art Gallery, CA "The Fabric of Life"*
1996      Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica, CA “A Glimpse of the Norton's
                Collection as Revealed by Kim Dingle”
1996      Capp Street Project, San Francisco, CA "Footnotes to Contemporary Culture"
1995      San Francisco Fine Arts Museums, CA “Centennial Acquisitions"
1995      The Jewish Museum San Francisco, CA “Light Interpretations"
1994      Wright Art Gallery, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA “Bad Girls West”*
1994      Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA “In Celebration, 15 Years of Collecting”
1993      Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Bonn, Germany “Die verlassenen Schuhe”*
1993      Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, CT “Fall From Fashion”*
1993      Palo Alto Cultural Center, Palo Alto, CA “Portrait As Shoe”
1993      Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa Art Gallery, Honolulu, HI “Shoebox Sculpture"*
1992      California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, CA “Domestic Ontogeny"
1992      University of California McHenry Library, Santa Cruz, CA “Mssart Mix”
1991      The Contemporary Museum, Honolulu, HI “Ana Hana Lima ‘91”
1991      Essex Institute, Salem, MA “Step Forward, Step Back”
1990      Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, CA “Heads, Threads, and Treads:
                Four California Fiber Artists”
1990      The Gulbenkian Museum, Lisbon, Portugal “Traje: Um Objecto de Arte?”*
1989      American Craft Museum, New York, NY “Craft Today: USA”* (European Tour)
1988      Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England “Fashion and Surrealism”
1988      San Francisco State Univ. CA “Countervisions: Pioneers in Bay Area Art”*
1987      San Francisco Craft and Folk Art Museum, CA “Innerskins/Outerskins"*
1986      American Craft Museum, New York, NY “Craft Today: Poetry of the Physical”*
1983      Richmond Art Center, CA "Poetry for the Body: Clothing for the Spirit"*
1981      John M. Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, WI "Maximum Coverage"*
1978      Museum of Contemporary Crafts, New York, NY "The Great American Foot"


1999      Los Angeles Times review, Leah Ollman, October 1, 1999
1999      LA Weekly, Art Picks of the Week, Peter Frank, October 8-14, 1999
1999      ARTSCENE reveiw, Judith Hoffberg, October 1999
1998      Trashformations Lloyd Herman, Whatcom Museum, Bellingham, Washington
1998      Stepping Out Louise Mitchell, Powerhouse Publishing, Sydney, Australia
1997      Museum of Art and History, Santa Cruz, Ca "Gaza Bowen: Walking Through Time"
                catalog for solo exhibition May - June 1997, essay by Janet Koplos
1997      San Jose Mercury News review, Catherine Maclay June 6, 1997
1996      Los Angeles Times review, Susan Kandel, February 8, 1996
1995      Triptych Museum Society, M.H. De Young Memorial Museum, April/May 1995
1994      Chicago Tribune “Footwear Provides the Canvas”, Teresa Wiltz, June 9, 1994
1993      The Wall Street Journal “Made for Gawking”, A. Peers, October 5, 1993
1992      Artweek review, Diane Mark-Walker, May 21, 1992
1992      Los Angeles Times review, Susan Kandel, April 16, 1992
1992      Los Angeles Times review, Robin Abcarian, April 28,1992
1992      Los Angeles Times review, Nancy Kapitanoff, April 12, 1992
1990      Ornament “Planting Her Feet/Finding Her Place”, Summer 1990
1988      Details “Art and Sole”, Stephen Gann, April 1988
1986      Threads “The Shoemaker’s Art”, feature-cover photo, June 1986
1981      New Art Examiner review, Janet Koplos, October 1981, Vol. 9 #1, p.17

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